our marketing went to the dogs, And it worked

No one wants to get a ton of ads and emails the week of Thanksgiving — unless they’re from totally unhinged dogs asking wild questions. When our creative team was tasked with creating a “dog takeover” campaign for Black Friday, we actually tried to imagine how dogs would run things if they were in charge. The results was a “sniff test” customers had to pass to prove that they’re true dog people and not posers just looking for a discount.

Every email and ad teased our our Sniff Test questions then drove prospective customers to our subscription sign-up funnel, which had been rewritten as a fun Buzzfeed-style quiz for the occasion. By answering questions to determine if they were a “Good Human”, they automatically got their discount.

The ads hit meta.

And they were personal.

things heated up in email, thanks to some spicy captcha images

As the discount increased, so did the urgency — thanks to the office dog pizza party

Is there anything more relatable than hearing all you’re getting for working during Thanksgiving is a pizza party in the breakroom? Customers loved that our dogs were willing to do ANYTHING to get more than just the crust.

Then the dogs started texting — and we broke a BARK sales record.


Creative Director: Kat Beaupre.

Design: Hanna Goldstein, Julia Fitzsimmons, Morgan Semmelhack

Writers: Jaime Walker, Katie Kirnan, Claire Linic


BARK "Treat Me Right" Content


BARK Whine Day